
Sometimes we feel like we have no time for ourselves - days are long and busy!

Sometimes it’s hard to make the most of our time when we’re tired or burnt out.

To have our self-care go-to’s on our person can remind us of the small things we can do to keep our cup full in order to have higher empathy, patience and creativity for the people and families we support. We can show up for people in a more meaningful way.

If you have 5 minutes, an hour, or an entire day, there are things you can do feel a sense of calm in our bodies.

The University of Wisconsin Department of Family Medicine offers a number of resources that help us calm our minds and replenish ourselves. Three videos by Dr. James Finley, noted trauma expert, offer helpful daily ‘pocket practices’ for being authentically present to suffering without being overwhelmed by it. Mindfulness videos are included as well.

You can find a full list of those resources here.

Dr. Dan Siegal has created the Wheel of Awareness Practice. Dr. Siegal explains that this practice can help us build insight, empathy, and integration.

Access the video and handout for more information.


Notice, Accept, Invite by Sarah Buffie


Lisa’s Story