Longing to Belong

How Moving From Rupture to Repair Builds Resilience, Belonging and Trust Virtual Workshop with Mary Vicario, LPCC-S.

Rupture and Repair are a part of everyday life. Throughout our day we have little missteps in our connections with one another, and without even noticing we find ways to repair them. Danae Riggs reminds us that the power of the work we do is our ability to “be human with other humans.” Repairing relational ruptures is one way we do this. Think of how often we recognize that our intention was one thing, and our impact was another, and then we find a way to work though it and arrive on even ground again. Just like hiking and climbing, all the effort that goes into repairing ruptures builds the perseverance and skills we need to develop resilience, trust and belonging. Sherryl Turkel calls it, ‘Practicing our humanity.” Come explore with us, the ways we build resilience, trust and belonging every day. We will also address how to help those whose ruptures have not been repaired learn how to feel safe enough to begin to practice and grow these much-needed skills. Skills, which build the grounded feeling that you not only belong but have the ability to work through differences to make your connections even stronger.

Objectives: Upon completion of this training, participants will be able to:

1. Use interventions to treat ruptures as repairable and encourage that repair by creating environments where it feels safe enough to make mistakes.

2. Use interventions to address mistakes as a part of learning and engage them to develop creativity, diversity and relational repair in those they serve and support.

3. Use interventions to create interactions and environments where diversity is celebrated as a resource for its role in relational repair, adaptability and survival for all.

This workshop is designed for those who have a basic understanding of trauma and wish to become more knowledgeable and skilled in supporting those who have experienced complex trauma.  The interventions and supports described in this training are designed for use not just by clinicians, but also direct support staff, family members and others who interact with and care for the person who has experienced trauma.

Find more content and courses by Mary Vicario at Finding Hope Consulting: www.findinghopeconsulting.com


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